
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"What is it you plan ..."

Life is nothing, if not random.

Today, I found myself in awe reading an article that was posted on one of my friends' Facebook pages.  The article mourns the manager of a adult movie theater who was murdered in Ottumwa.  The article killed me the way that good journalism does ... this article made me feel for a man I never met and will never know. 

A little while later, I read an article about a project at Harvard Business School that asks graduating MBA students this question, that is derived from a poem written by Mary Oliver:  "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

And then I found the poem itself. 

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? 

What a beautiful question ... one that I'm going to ponder for awhile.


My aunt is doing better - my cousin Leah is posting her progress on Facebook and on my aunt's Caring Bridge site.  I am thankful for progress, however small it is ... because my aunt is her own little ray of sunshine.  The world would be a little darker without her in it. 


Good thoughts and prayers are requested for my friend Laurie's daughter who was in a car accident.  It sounds like Breanna is on the mend, but uff da ... how frightening for my friend ...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a quote. Lovely. Thank you.